Comic Character ETL Project

Performing extract, transform, and load techniques to create a database of comic book characters and their powers.

This project was done using MySQL and Python 3. The data was extracted from the ComicVine API and the FiveThirtyEight Comic Characters Dataset.



This website showcases my contribution to the ETL project assigned in the data analysis and visualization certification course I attend. I designed a relational schema in MySQL, and then populated the database using ETL techniques. The ETL was done using Pandas in Python 3. Since comicbook movies have been super popular, we thought it would be entertaining to base our project on comic book characters. After scouring Kaggle, we decided to use the FiveThirtyEight Comic Characters Dataset. To incorporate more data sources, we decided to use the ComicVine API since it is free to use and their dataset is extensive. I designed the relational schema in a way that reduces data redundancy and maintains data quality/integrity, adhering to conventional database normalization.

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